TZDB for Delphi Documentation by pasdoc 2018-03-04

All Functions and Procedures

Name Unit Description
TZ_EnumTimeZones TZCAPI

<summary>Lists all known/supported time zone names.</summary> <param name="Data">User provided data that is passed along to <paramref name="EnumProc"/>.</param> <param name="IncludeAliases">Pass <c>True</c> to include time zone aliases into the list.</param> <param name="EnumProc">The enumerator procedure called for each item in the list.</param> <returns><c>True</c> is returned if the enumeration process was interrupted by the consumer.

TZ_GetAbbreviation TZCAPI

<summary>Generates an abbreviation string for the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time (C format).</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="Abbrev">The output string parameter.

TZ_GetDisplayName TZCAPI

<summary>Generates a diplay name for the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time (C format).</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="DispName">The output string parameter.

TZ_GetLocalTimeType TZCAPI

<summary>Returns the type of the local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive result means success.

TZ_GetUtcOffset TZCAPI

<summary>Returns the UTC offset of the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time.</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="TimeType">An output parameter to which the UTC offset if copied.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success.

TZ_InitInstance TZCAPI

<summary>Looks up a time zone object by the given <paramref name="Name"/>.</summary> <param name="Name">The name time zone name to lookup.


<summary>Converts a local time to UTC time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="LocalTime">The local time to be converted.</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="UtcTime">The output parameter to hold the converted UTC time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success.

TZ_ReleaseInstance TZCAPI

<summary>Releases a previously acquired instance.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success.


<summary>Converts an UTC time to a local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="UtcTime">The UTC time to be converted.</param> <param name="LocalTime">The output parameter to hold the converted local time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success.

prepared by M.Taylor
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.