TZDB for Delphi Documentation by pasdoc 2018-03-04



* Copyright (c) 2013, Ciobanu Alexandru * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * Neither the name of this library nor the * names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products * derived from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ''AS IS'' AND ANY * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED * WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.


Classes, Interfaces, Objects and Records

Name Description
Record TZ_Instance <summary>An opaque structure that identifies a time zone object.</summary>

Functions and Procedures

function TZ_EnumTimeZones(IncludeAliases: Boolean; Data: Pointer; EnumProc: TZ_EnumProc): Boolean; stdcall;
function TZ_GetAbbreviation(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; Abbrev: PChar; AbbrevLen: Integer): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_GetDisplayName(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; DispName: PChar; DispNameLen: Integer): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_GetLocalTimeType(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_GetUtcOffset(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; Offset: PInteger): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_InitInstance(Name: PChar): PTZ_Instance; stdcall;
function TZ_LocalToUtc(Instance: PTZ_Instance; LocalTime: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; UtcTime: PTZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_ReleaseInstance(Instance: PTZ_Instance): TZ_Result; stdcall;
function TZ_UtcToLocal(Instance: PTZ_Instance; UtcTime: TZ_Time; LocalTime: PTZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;


PTZ_Instance = ˆTZ_Instance;
PTZ_Time = ˆTZ_Time;
TZ_EnumProc = function(Data: Pointer; Name: PChar): Boolean; stdcall;
TZ_Result = Integer;
TZ_Time = Int64;




Functions and Procedures

function TZ_EnumTimeZones(IncludeAliases: Boolean; Data: Pointer; EnumProc: TZ_EnumProc): Boolean; stdcall;

<summary>Lists all known/supported time zone names.</summary> <param name="Data">User provided data that is passed along to <paramref name="EnumProc"/>.</param> <param name="IncludeAliases">Pass <c>True</c> to include time zone aliases into the list.</param> <param name="EnumProc">The enumerator procedure called for each item in the list.</param> <returns><c>True</c> is returned if the enumeration process was interrupted by the consumer. <c>False</c> is returned otherwise.</returns>

function TZ_GetAbbreviation(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; Abbrev: PChar; AbbrevLen: Integer): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Generates an abbreviation string for the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time (C format).</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="Abbrev">The output string parameter. Should be allocated.</param> <param name="AbbrevLen">The number of characters that <paramref name="Abbrev"/> can hold (excluding trailing \0).</param> <returns>The length of the actual name. If the value is negative, then an error occured. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors.</returns> <remarks>It is important to note that the consumer must specify an allocated memory block pointed by <paramref name="Abbrev"/>. The <paramref name="AbbrevLen"/> parameter must contain the number of bytes allocated. This method will fill this memory with the actual abbreviation and return the actual length of the abbreviation. There may be cases when the passed memory block is smaller than the actual length of the abbreviation. In those cases, only the part that will fit will be copied into the provided memory block.</remarks>

function TZ_GetDisplayName(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; DispName: PChar; DispNameLen: Integer): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Generates a diplay name for the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time (C format).</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="DispName">The output string parameter. Should be allocated.</param> <param name="DispNameLen">The number of characters that <paramref name="DispName"/> can hold (excluding trailing \0).</param> <returns>The length of the actual name. If the value is negative, then an error occured. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors.</returns> <remarks>It is important to note that the consumer must specify an allocated memory block pointed by <paramref name="DispName"/>. The <paramref name="DispNameLen"/> parameter must contain the number of bytes allocated. This method will fill this memory with the actual name and return the actual length of the name. There may be cases when the passed memory block is smaller than the actual length of the name. In those cases, only the part that will fit will be copied into the provided memory block.</remarks>

function TZ_GetLocalTimeType(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Returns the type of the local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive result means success. See <c>LOCAL_TIME_*</c> constants for possible types. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors (if the value is negative).</returns>

function TZ_GetUtcOffset(Instance: PTZ_Instance; Time: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; Offset: PInteger): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Returns the UTC offset of the given local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="Time">The local time.</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="TimeType">An output parameter to which the UTC offset if copied.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors (if the value is negative).</returns>

function TZ_InitInstance(Name: PChar): PTZ_Instance; stdcall;

<summary>Looks up a time zone object by the given <paramref name="Name"/>.</summary> <param name="Name">The name time zone name to lookup. A <c>nil</c> value will be ignored.</param> <returns>A <c>Pointer</c> to a data structure containing the time zone object. Should be treated as an opaque <c>Pointer</c> by consumers. A <c>nil</c> value is returned if the time zone cannot be looked up.</returns>

function TZ_LocalToUtc(Instance: PTZ_Instance; LocalTime: TZ_Time; ForceDaylight: Boolean; UtcTime: PTZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Converts a local time to UTC time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="LocalTime">The local time to be converted.</param> <param name="ForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <param name="UtcTime">The output parameter to hold the converted UTC time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors (if the value is negative).</returns>

function TZ_ReleaseInstance(Instance: PTZ_Instance): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Releases a previously acquired instance.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors (if the value is negative).</returns>

function TZ_UtcToLocal(Instance: PTZ_Instance; UtcTime: TZ_Time; LocalTime: PTZ_Time): TZ_Result; stdcall;

<summary>Converts an UTC time to a local time.</summary> <param name="Instance">The time zone instance.</param> <param name="UtcTime">The UTC time to be converted.</param> <param name="LocalTime">The output parameter to hold the converted local time.</param> <returns>A zero or a positive value means success. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for possile errors (if the value is negative).</returns>


PTZ_Instance = ˆTZ_Instance;

<summary>A <c>Pointer</c> to a <see cref="TZCAPI|TZ_Instance"/> stucture.</summary>

PTZ_Time = ˆTZ_Time;

<summary>A <c>Pointer</c> to a <see cref="TZCAPI|TZ_Time"/> type.</summary>

TZ_EnumProc = function(Data: Pointer; Name: PChar): Boolean; stdcall;

<summary>Time zone enumerator procedure.</summary> <param name="Data">A data object provided by the consumer code.</param> <param name="Name">The name of the currently enumerated time zone.</param> <returns>Consmer must return <c>True</c> to interrupt the enumeraton process.</returns>

TZ_Result = Integer;

<summary>A somewhat generic type used for most API methods in this library.</summary> <remarks>All negative values of this type signify an error. See <c>ERROR_*</c> constants for reference. Zero and the positive spectrum of values is function dependant. Each function will provide appropriate documentation.</remarks>

TZ_Time = Int64;

<summary>An <c>Int64</c> representing the C/UNIX time format.</summary>



<summary>The time zone instance passed to the function was detected as being disposed.</summary>


<summary>An argument passed to the function was invalid.</summary>


<summary>The local time value passed to the function was invalid in the given time zone.</summary>


<summary>A generic error. Source or cause unknwown.</summary>


<summary>The local time is in DST -> Standard year period.</summary>


<summary>The local time is in the DST year period.</summary>


<summary>The local time is in the Standard -> DST year period.</summary>


<summary>The local time is in the Standard year period.</summary>

prepared by M.Taylor
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.