TZDB for Delphi Documentation by pasdoc 2018-03-04
Class TBundledTimeZone
type TBundledTimeZone = class(TObject)
<summary>A timezone class implementation that retreives its data from the bundled database.</summary> <remarks>This class inherits the standard <c>TTimeZone</c> class in Delphi XE.</remarks>
constructor Create(const ATimeZoneID: string); |
<summary>Creates a new instance of this timezone class.</summary> <param name="ATimeZoneID">The ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest").</param> <exception cref="TZDB|ETimeZoneInvalid">The specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database.</exception>
destructor Destroy; override; |
<summary>Destroys the current instance.</summary>
function AmbiguousTimeEnd(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the end point of Ambiguous time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The end time of Ambiguous time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function AmbiguousTimeStart(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the start point of Ambiguous time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The start time of Ambiguous time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function DaylightTimeEnd(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the end point of daylight time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The end time of daylight time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function DaylightTimeStart(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the start point of daylight time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The start time of daylight time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function GetAbbreviation(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): string; |
<summary>Generates an abbreviation string for the given local time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns>A string containing the abbreviation.</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function GetDisplayName(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): string; |
<summary>Generates a diplay string for the given local time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns>A string containing the display name.</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function GetLocalTimeType(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TLocalTimeType; |
<summary>Returns the type of the local time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <returns>An enumeration value specifying the type of the local time.</returns>
class function GetTimeZone(const ATimeZoneID: string): TBundledTimeZone; |
<summary>Returns an instance of this time zone class.</summary> <param name="ATimeZoneID">The ID of the timezone to use (ex. "Europe/Bucharest").</param> <exception cref="TZDB|ETimeZoneInvalid">The specified ID cannot be found in the bundled database.</exception>
function GetUtcOffset(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Int64; |
<summary>Returns the UTC offset of the given local time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns>The UTC offset of the given local time. Subtract this value from the passed local time to obtain an UTC time.</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function InvalidTimeEnd(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the end point of Invalid time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The end time of Invalid time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function InvalidTimeStart(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the start point of Invalid time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The start time of Invalid time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function IsAmbiguousTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; |
<summary>Checks whether the specified local time is ambiguous.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <returns><c>True</c> if the local time is ambiguous; <c>False</c> otherwise.</returns>
function IsDaylightTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean; |
<summary>Checks whether the specified local time is daylight.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns><c>True</c> if the local time is ambiguous; <c>False</c> otherwise.</returns>
function IsInvalidTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; |
<summary>Checks whether the specified local time is invalid.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <returns><c>True</c> if the local time is invalid; <c>False</c> otherwise.</returns>
function IsStandardTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): Boolean; |
<summary>Checks whether the specified local time is standard.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns><c>True</c> if the local time is standard; <c>False</c> otherwise.</returns>
class function KnownTimeZones(const AIncludeAliases: Boolean = False): TStringDynArray; |
<summary>Returns a list of known time zones.</summary> <param name="AIncludeAliases">Pass <c>True</c> to include time zone aliases into the list.</param> <returns>An array of strings representing the IDs of the known time zones.</returns>
function OperatesDayligtTime(const aYear: word): boolean; |
<summary>Determin if the timezone has daylight time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>True if the timezone operates daylight time in the year specified</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function StandardTimeEnd(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the end point of standard time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The end time of standard time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function StardardTimeStart(const aYear: word): TDateTime; |
<summary>Get the start point of Standard time</summary> <param name="aYear">The Year to get data for</param> <returns>The start time of Standard time in timezone local time</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function ToISO8601Str(const ADateTime: TDateTime): String; |
<summary>Converts an UTC time to an ISO8601 date time string.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The UTC time.</param> <returns>The ISO8601 date time string that corresponds to the passed UTC time.</returns>
function ToLocalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime): TDateTime; |
<summary>Converts an UTC time to a local time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The UTC time.</param> <returns>The local time that corresponds to the passed UTC time.</returns>
function ToUniversalTime(const ADateTime: TDateTime; const AForceDaylight: Boolean = false): TDateTime; |
<summary>Converts a local time to an UTC time.</summary> <param name="ADateTime">The local time.</param> <param name="AForceDaylight">Specify a <c>True</c> value if ambiguous periods should be treated as DST.</param> <returns>The UTC time that corresponds to the passed local time.</returns> <exception cref="TZDB|ELocalTimeInvalid">The specified local time is invalid.</exception>
function DoGetID: string; |
<summary>Returns the ID of the timezone. An ID is a string that should uniquely identify the timezone.</summary> <returns>The ID of the timezone.</returns>
property Abbreviation: string read GetCurrentAbbreviation; |
<summary>Returns the current time zone's abbreviation string.</summary> <returns>A string containing the abbreviation .</returns>
property DisplayName: string read GetCurrentDisplayName; |
<summary>Returns the current time zone's display name string.</summary> <returns>A string containing the display name.</returns>
property ID: string read DoGetID; |
<summary>Returns the ID of the timezone. An ID is a string that should uniquely identify the timezone.</summary> <returns>The ID of the timezone.</returns>
property UtcOffset: Int64 read GetCurrentUtcOffset; |
<summary>Returns the current time zone's UTC offset.</summary> <returns>The current UTC offset.</returns>
prepared by M.Taylor
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.